Orange County Children's Theater!
Founded in 1969, we are the oldest, continuous running children’s theatre in Orange County, open to young people from age 5 – 18. We are very proud of our children. Many have moved on to professional careers in the theatre, while others have become leaders in business and their communities. Through the auditions process, we welcome children from all social and economic backgrounds. While we’re dedicated to training each child in the crafts, and skills required for the theatre, paramount importance is placed on the development of each child’s self esteem, and feeling of belonging at this theatre. Family values are always encouraged, by example, from the staff of volunteers, giving so generously of their time.

The purposes of this organization are...
To provide a positive teaching experience for children, ages 5-18 years old (18 or through the end of the summer show after the senior year of high school, whichever is later) and their families in the many aspects of the performing arts.
To provide workshops on the various aspects of the performing arts.
To offer live theater to the community at large.
To encourage and engage families in the many volunteer opportunities of the theater.
We extend our sincere thanks to the Huntington Beach Historic Theater staff for their continued support. A special thanks to all those individuals, organizations, and businesses for their financial contributions. As a non-profit, charitable organization, all tax deductible donations are sincerely appreciated.